7 Creative Ways to Play Poker Without Chips Automatic Poker

April 6, 2023

7 Creative Ways to Play Poker Without Chips  Automatic Poker


Poker is a fun and enjoyable game with skill and practice. Betting chips to increase the pot can be tricky without real money or physical chips. Thankfully, learning how to play poker without chips is easy. Rules stay the same, but betting rounds and stakes may differ based on the person.

There’re 7 ways to play without chips. From using string or paper clips to playing digital versions of the game on mobiles or desktops. Let’s explore all 7 creative ways to do so!

Playing Poker Without Chips

Poker is a classic game that can be enjoyed in many ways. Chips are usually used to track the betting and progress. But, there are other creative ways to play poker without chips. Let’s explore 7 ideas, including Automatic Poker. This variant has many advantages. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Use coins or other objects as chips

No chips necessary – coins and other small items can be used to play poker! Coins, beans, beads, buttons or figurines can represent denominations. Color-code them, or use different types of coins for quick identification. Before the game, assign an object and its denomination, so there’s no confusion later.

Coins and objects make a fun twist on the game – and they’re easy to find!

Use paper money or cards as chips

Playing poker without chips may seem tough, but it’s doable. The most popular substitutes are paper money or cards.

Divide the pot into 20 even bits and use bills as “chips”. Each player should determine an ante, e.g. 5 cents for a 50/75 cent game, or up to a quarter for a 1/2 dollar game. During betting, each person adds to their chips until all have the same total. Each chip is worth its value. The winner is the one with most chips at the end.

Cards can also be used as chips. Agree on which cards are worth what amount of money. For example, 4 Jacks for 1 dollar or 2 Aces for 25 cents. The person who wins certain card combinations in multiple hands during one session can score points at intervals set by all players.

It’s essential that everyone knows the rules for winning and how much each hand should be worth. Also, decide on punishments for rule-breaking beforehand:

  • What are the rules for winning?
  • How much is each hand worth?
  • What are the punishments for rule-breaking?

Play with a timer or other device

Try something other than chips and cards for a fresh twist! A timer or device to keep the players in check will be helpful. It ensures all have equal time to decide. Plus, it speeds up the game and stops people from overthinking.

If you have a large group, a timer is the best way to keep the game from going on for too long.

Play with a deck of cards

Cards are perfect for keeping poker chips in place. It also adds a unique twist to the game. Typically, one or two decks of playing cards are used. This includes four suits and jokers if wanted.

You decide how many cards each player gets and what value they represent. For example, the royal flush could be the highest value poker chip. Then straights and pairs follow, all with assigned values. This system still allows for strategic betting and keeps the game neat.

Play with a point system

Chips not needed? Assign each poker player a certain number of points! These can be used to “pay” instead. Points and chips can be combined if both are available. Players can determine the value of each point beforehand or during the game. Maybe set one point equal to $1.

For a deeper level of strategy, assign different point values to different game parts, like bets being worth more than raises. Change up the point system throughout the game for extra fun!

A point system adds an interesting twist to classic poker and is a great way for people to still enjoy the game even without physical chips!

Play with a poker app

Do you want to play poker without chips? No worries! An app is the best way. There are many poker apps for Android and iOS. PokerStars, World Series of Poker, and 888Poker are some of them.

You can host your own game and invite your friends. Some apps also offer online tournaments with real money or virtual chip sets. You can use it to practice before Vegas or Atlantic City.

With a poker app, you can get special features or discounts for playing with virtual chip sets. If you’re comfortable with online settings, this is the best choice for you!

Play Automatic Poker

Ryan Bush created Automatic Poker, a free app. You can play poker on your device with it. It requires no physical chips. It works with regular decks of cards. It runs in tournament mode – no-limit hold’em. Algorithms track each card and evaluate its strength.


  • Faster-paced games.
  • No manual hand tallying, chip counting or chip pushing.
  • Improved engagement from players.
  • Shorter sessions.
  • Less downtime between hands.

Plus, customizable themes! Avatars, background images, etc. Make poker fun with friends or family.


Poker without chips? Sure thing! You can use everyday objects. Or, get automatic poker cards or purchase a regular poker table. Tools make your session fun and exciting. Try a few out and find the best for your gang.

As game night approaches, remember: poker has been around for ages. Try these creative methods to make your game night unforgettable:

  • Use everyday objects as chips.
  • Get automatic poker cards.
  • Purchase a regular poker table.
  • Find the best tools for your gang.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are the creative ways you can play poker without chips?

A1: There are several creative ways you can play poker without chips. These include using coins, playing cards, pen and paper, and even playing with an automatic poker machine.

Q2: Can you use coins to play poker?

A2: Yes, you can use coins to play poker. You can assign a certain value to each coin, whether it’s a penny, nickel, or dime. This is a great way to play poker without chips.

Q3: What is an automatic poker machine?

A3: An automatic poker machine is a machine that can deal poker hands and simulate a real poker game. It is a great way to play poker without chips, as the machine keeps track of the bets and the cards.